Saturday, January 24, 2009

Server Controls

On receiving a request, ASP.Net examines the request, by using a User Agent retrieved from the header of HTTP Request, to find out the brower type and version for outputting the HTML specific to that browser.

When you are using server controls, you do not need to specify the HTML that is to be the output from the server-side code. You can specify the functionality you want to see in the browser, and ASP.NET decides the output to be sent to the browser.


TextBox : It can be mapped to the following HTML elements used in your forms:

Standard TextBox
Multiline TextBox
Password Field

Button: Use the button to submit forms. You can also manage the items on your forms by using the Button control’s OnClick event.

DropDownList: With this, you can place an HTML select box on your Web page and set it against the select box. You can use this control when you want the user to select a single item from a list of multiple items. The select box generated by the DropDownList control displays a single item and allows the user to select one item from the list.

ListBox: displays a collection of items. The ListBox control displays more of the collection to the user and allows the user to make multiple selections from the collection.

CheckBox or CheckBoxList: By using check boxes on a Web Form, users can either select from a collection of items or specify the value of an item to be yes/no, on/off, or true/false. You can use multiple CheckBox controls on your ASP.NET pages, treating each check box as its own element with associated events. The CheckBoxList control allows you to put multiple check boxes on the form and create specific events for the entire group.

RadioButton or RadioButtonList: Radio buttons are form elements that require at least two options. The RadioButtonList server control allows you to display a collection of radio buttons on a Web page. The RadioButtonList control allows you to iterate through to see what the user selected, to make counts, or to perform other actions.

Source of Reference : MSDN

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